Families hold a special place in the correctional system! No government department or community group can do all the things that a family does. Families assist by visiting, supporting their inside person, giving them money for phone cards or canteen items, etc. Once they leave prison, families often help their reintegrating person with food, clothing, housing, employment and social activities.
Families work hard as they find their way through the correctional system, keep their family together, and ask for accountability while supporting their inside person.
Research has proven that if the family stays connected, it helps the family, and the reintegrating person. They re-offend less often and have a greater chance at a successful life. So Canadian Families and Corrections Network works to keep those families strong - offering them resources, support, programming, and helping as we can as an asset to reintegration and public safety for the entire community.
About CFCN

Following conferences on the Family and Corrections in Sacramento, California and Albany New York, six people met in 1990 to reflect on what they could do to improve the lot of prisoner families. They shared a conviction that sound, loving family relationships are important and that prisoners’ families are too often overlooked in the rehabilitation process. The group joined forces with others to create Canadian Families and Corrections Network (CFCN), a group that supports the development of policies, creates programs, and conducts research to assist inmates in sustaining or building strong family ties.
Canadian Families and Corrections Network went on to incorporate as a national charity organization in 1992 and now has a volunteer Board of Directors from across Canada. We ensure that family members of those within the criminal justice system are part of the Board as they are able to offer a unique perspective on the focus of our work. CFCN is now recognized as a leader in family work across Canada, creating valued resources, respected research, unique programs, and solid policy development to strengthen the family unit and the lives of everyone in it.
Our History
Our definition of "family" is the same one used by the United Nations:
"A group of individuals who are related by affections, kinship or trust."
Board of Directors
Val Corcoran (President)
Carole Sandy (Interim Vice-President)
Timothy Buehner (Secretary)
Mary Radojcic
​Kevin Brooks
Mark Dana
Liaison with CFCN Board of Directors:
Hugh Kirkegaard, CSC
​​Louise Leonardi
Executive Director
Margaret Holland
Ontario Coordinator
Sara MacNaull
Program Director
Nicole Dunford
Family Liaison Project
Josée Cormier
Family Support​​
​​Melissa Young
Dad HERO Project
Tolmie Belyea
Dad HERO Project
Sheila MacCrimmon
VRC Volunteer Coordinator
Andrea Ngui
VRC Project